Kamis, 02 Mei 2013


In the past smoking was not a big issue or problem. However, nowadays smoking has increased in many different ways. There are several causes and dangerous effects of the increase of smoking. Smoking is very harmful and not beneficial to us. So should we stay away and avoid it. Because a lot of things that lead to suppose affected cigarette consumption.

        Cause people like to smoke is usually because the person has a lot of free time. If the environment around us is a smoker all, surely people will follow and be affected by the habits of the people around him. The influence of television advertising on cigarette consumption also affects, because often appear a large amount of cigarette advertising on television.

        Smoking is harmful to human health, smoking can cause cancer, heart, lungs, liver, infertility and the most dangerous consequence is the cause of death. Smoking is very harmful activities and spend a lot of time, because smoking is the reserved activity. Making time for the family will also be reduced. often consume infant will also lead to waste and spend money. Buy cigarettes at only throw waste money on things that are not useful.

        In Conclusion, smoking is a very bad habit. Many people have died from smoking. This habit must be contained by government to get rid of.Fiscal policy is needed to control the hazards of cigarettes in Indonesia. Besides increase in cigarette taxes, the government should immediately impose a cigarette tax. Excise and higher cigarette taxes are expected to reduce cigarette affordability so that fewer and fewer people are able to eat them. The proceeds can be used for health promotion and building health care facilities.

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